Monday, 16 May 2011

Why people drop out of IAS exams even before prelims ?

The IAS is the mother of all competitive exams. It is considered tough because the competition is not with others but with yourself.
The process is long arduous and requires self-discipline. Changing yourself is an essential part of the process. You have to prepare over a period of many months and sometimes even for years continuously. Our emotions go up and down during this time and we face social pressure to go to a job, get married etc¦..
Maintaining our own level of motivation is also a challenge. It goes up and down like Sensex.
Motivation when applying
When the notification comes out,the energy level of the candidates go up. All candiates dream of becoming IAS that year. They dream about how great their preparation in going to be. They make elaborate plans. Some make no plans at all and simply think that they can do it.
During preparation:
First week of preparation goes on smoothly. But after that the efficiency slowly goes down. After a month the seriousness is not seen at all. Books lay on the table but not used. Many people sit with the book but not concentrate in studies.
Nowadays facebook,twitter and mobile are big distractions.

When Admit card arrives
There is frenetic activity to scramble in the last few weeks, cursing themselves for being slack. Some decide that its not worth it this time and decide attempt with full vigour next year. But this process is only repeated next year.
Most candidates don t feel confident enough sit for the exams and hence drop out.
How to avoid this trap of Failure?
1. Decide that this attempt will be your best attempt ever. Take it as a challenge on you as a person. Its not just an exam but an issue of honour.
2. If you fail to plan then you are planning to fail. Make a plan and try to stick to it. If there are changes acoomodate it. But as a far as possible stick to it.
3. Concentrate on doing the syllabus than aiming for perfection. This will improve confidence.
4.Have a countdown for exam and work with a target.
5.Remember that your competition is not your neighbour. Real competitor is slogging away from your eyes inching closer to victory every day.

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